Authentic Italian Brands: Luxurious Moments In Hard Times


Ilenia Liber

Senior Project Manager, London

The inflation issue is hot all over the world. Grocery store prices are eye-popping to most of us. Despite the resulting thriftiness trend, some niche categories are thriving in the current economic climate. Our attention was particularly drawn to Italian food and drink.


16 to 34-year-olds are willing to spend more for authentic pizza/Italian dishes, according to a Mintel study from last year. They also agreed that branded pizza/Italian foods found in supermarkets are “just as tasty as those found in restaurants.” In the UK, there is an increasing affinity for Italian food brands, which may be attributed to larger cultural trends that we’ve seen across our recent work.

Elevating comfort

Amid the largest mental health crisis, we’re no strangers to comfort food. Around the world, many share the desire for the classics. But it’s proper Italian ingredients that truly make the experience. We’re saying goodbye to British private labels and reaching for Italian heritage – authentic ‘passata’ from brands like Mutti and Cirio, and high-quality pasta like De Cecco, Barilla, and Garofalo.

Striving for La Dolce Vita

With lives spent more indoors, working from home, and traveling less, we seek high-quality products with strong storytelling, craftsmanship, and a sensorial experience. Italian food is known for its taste, provenance, and quality. As inflation makes restaurants less affordable, we take to our kitchens. Brands help create the authentic Italian experience, from supermarket shelves to pioneering DTC models e.g. Pasta Evangelists.

Culinary escapism

Given recent gloomy headlines, we seek an escape. Italian brands deliver transportive experiences. Especially confectionery and drinks, Ferrero and Campari, both frame indulgence in a perfectly Italian way. The unique balance of elegance and playfulness that typifies Italian design also applies to the worlds that food and drink brands create.


These themes of comfort, craftsmanship, and escapism shed light on broad consumer feelings in the UK. As uncertainty grows, consumers seek “little luxuries” in their day-to-day lives. How might brands learn from the Italian playbook to build their worlds? Using design and storytelling to ease stress, build connection and create meaningful (budget-friendly) experiences.

Get in touch to chat about how your brand can make a big impact in our ever-changing world.

Buon appetito!