Alcoholic drinks brand
Understanding consumers' moments of indulgence

A drinks brand approached us with a clear vision for the occasion their product was targeted at: the ‘appointment with the sofa’.

With sales stagnating, a redesign was needed for the product to win its place in this coveted moment.

Our insight work aimed to not only help the client understand the moment, but to make a leap to inspire the design team.


Pack & Product Design, Innovation, Positioning & Advertising


Lifestream, Creative Workshops

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To do that, we tapped into a diverse set of sources: Lifestream mobile ethnography to capture and understand the real life moments of consumers, semiotic analysis to understand emergent design codes in the area, and high energy co-creation sessions with in-session prototyping & visualisation to bring these ideas to life.

Creative workshops

Creative workshops are highly effective ways of generating momentum in design projects. We bring consumers, stakeholder and experts together to get further, faster.

Our high energy ideation sessions are designed to generate lots of creative ideas around the brief

We use an in-session illustrator to bring ideated ideas to life as they emerge

It means we come out of the session with the building blocks of design, giving both direction and inspiration to the creative team

Our output pulled these diverse sources of insight together into a single cohesive debrief which offered the team a clear vision, and an inspiring visual design brief for the creative team.


Case Studies
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